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Deep Learning for Physics Research

This project contains additional material for the textbook Deep Learning for Physics Research by Martin Erdmann, Jonas Glombitza, Gregor Kasieczka, and Uwe Klemradt.


This page contains additional material for the textbook Deep Learning for Physics Research by Martin Erdmann, Jonas Glombitza, Gregor Kasieczka, and Uwe Klemradt.

The authors can be contacted under

For more information on the book, refer to the page by the publisher.


Section 1 - Deep Learning Basics

Chapter 3 - Building blocks of neural networks

Chapter 4 - Optimization of network parameters

Chapter 5 - Mastering model building

Section 2 - Standard Architectures of Deep Networks

Chapter 7 - Fully-connected networks: improving the classic all-rounder

Chapter 8 - Convolutional neural networks and analysis of image-like data

Chapter 9 - Recurrent neural networks: time series and variable input

Chapter 10 - Graph networks and convolutions beyond Euclidean domains

Chapter 11 - Multi-task learning, hybrid architectures, and operational reality

Section 3 - Introspection, Uncertainties, Objectives

Section 4 - Deep Learning Advanced Concepts

Chapter 16 - Weakly-supervised classification

Chapter 17 - Autoencoders: finding and compressing structures in data

Chapter 18 - Generative models: data from noise



	  author = {Erdmann, Martin and Glombitza, Jonas and Kasieczka, Gregor and Klemradt, Uwe},
	  title = {Deep Learning for Physics Research},
	  publisher = {WORLD SCIENTIFIC},
	  year = {2021},
	  doi = {10.1142/12294},
	  address = {},
	  edition   = {},
	  URL = {},
	  eprint = {}



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